Monday, August 06, 2007

Terry Brock--World Renowned Technology/Marketing Expert

Terry Brock, based in Orlando, Florida with his company--Achievement Systems-- has appeared in my blog previously. Yet he is worth spotlighting again--because Terry has helped many hundreds of people upgrade their technology skills and jet propel their marketing campaigns. I'm fortunate to be one of those entrepreneurs who benefit from his service.

A few days ago, Terry visited my office. In just a few minutes, he showed me how to improve my video production. As always, his instruction was clear, simple, and easy to remember. Most importantly, he was patient, knowing that technology isn't my inborn strong suit.

At lunch afterward, where the restaurant owner took the photo displayed above, we talked about Terry's third global trip, which he had just completed. As a keynote speaker, seminar director, and marketing coach, he has worked in seventeen countries, and in many states within the U.S. His worldwide impact is expanding rapidly.

Amazingly, though, Terry is never too busy to help an individual. He talks about E-Commerce (technology) and R-Commerce (relationships), and he excels in both.

There's a super lesson there for all of us. It's true that we have to keep up with the latest technology developments. However, our relationships with our colleagues, clients, potential clients, family members, and friends should never suffer while we are getting used to the latest gadgets and gizmos.

I have attended Terry's presentations. I guarantee that his sessions are information-packed, fun, high energy, and inspiring.

I recommend that you visit his Web site:

Sign up for his monthly free newsletter, Achievement Update. Consider his Online Coaching Program and his Individual Coaching Program. There's nowhere you could get more value for your investment. I am proud to call him my coach. You will be, too.


Blogger Rebecca Morgan said...


You are right about Terry. He is one of the most generous and knowledgeable people in the technology area. And he makes the concepts easy to apply and fun to learn!

Rebecca Morgan, CSP, CMC

10:42 PM  

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