Tuesday, April 01, 2008

What My Readers Say About First Impressions

Recently Business KnowHow published my article, "Everything Counts in First Impressions." Here's the link:

Concluding the article, I invited readers to add to my list of
offensive behaviors that ruin first impressions. Here are some
of the many responses, printed with permission.

"My personal 'favorite' of behaviors that mar first impressions: the
handshake without eye contact, like politicians do who are
focusing on their next greeting, not the current one."
Nancy Krug, Owner
Arcana Tileworks LLC
Windermere, FL

"A low cut blouse, constantly flipping the hair back."
Maudie Abraham
Moments Like This, LLC
Ypsilanti, MI

"Cologne or perfume too strong, that bothers me. Especially if
you can smell it in a large office area."
Sally Westhause, Results Program Manager
Avnet, Inc.
Phoenix, AZ

"Weak handshakes. Insincere responses, i.e. laughing weakly at
a joke or saying something like 'I understand' when you really don't."
Karen L. Graves
The Mom's Coach
White Plains, NY

"Overusing key phrases or words. 'Certainly' seems to be an
adverb that is constantly used whether it's appropriate or not."
Also, "jingling coins in your pocket" and "slouching in your
chair during a meeting, presentation or lecture."
Peg Barto, AIS
AMICA Mutual Insurance Company
Fairport, NY

Among one reader's 47 suggestions: cheap ties, bragging, put on
accents,playing with things on the table, too many rings, negative attitude
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