Solve Your E-mail Problems--Now!
You know the problems I’m referring to. . . .
--Joe from the sales department e-mails you and refers to his
“attached weekly report.” Oops. . .there’s no attachment.
--Elizabeth e-mails you, including a link to “an
important, relevant article you’ll want to read.” Alas, the
link is no longer active.
--Darlene sends you an e-mail she intended to send to
Audrey, her supervisor. Even worse, the e-mail talks
unfavorably about you.
--Art sends an e-mail that shares the latest joke he has picked
up on the Internet. You notice that he includes your e-mail
address in the TO section, along with those of twenty of his friends,
who now have your e-mail address without your consent.
Until now, you didn’t have a solution.
Sure, you told employees they were making e-mail mistakes. Yet you had nothing in writing to explain the problem, and to remind them what to do next time.
The result? The same problems mentioned above kept
happening. And others, too.
--Dorena sent Bill an e-mail, summarizing his performance appraisal the previous day. Bill became angrier than he was during the appraisal. Reprimands in writing carry far more impact than when issued face-to-face.
--Juan created an office stir by sending romantic messages to Consuela, two or three times daily. “I put in so much time here,” he reasoned, “that I can use the computer for my personal needs for just a few minutes. I still get my work done, just like always.”
Now, you do have a solution to these and dozens of other e-mail problems.
Really? That’s terrific. What is it? Where do I get it?
The answers:
What: Dr. Bill Lampton’s new e-book, “Excellent E-mailing: 55 Tips
for Cyberspace Success”
Where: Available as an e-book on Bill’s Web site shopping cart:
Well, I’d like to hear what other professional people say
about this e-book before I place my order.
That’s understandable. So let’s check on comments from experts.
Addresses and solves every major e-mail problem
I've looked over your e-mail tips and thought they were all really good! I can't think of anything you left out and you had many that I had never really considered, but made so much sense.
Anita Bruzzese, Syndicated Newspaper Columnist and author of 45 Things You Do That Drive Your Boss Crazy. . .And How to Avoid Them.
Advice is clear and practical
“A great compilation of common sense guidance on effective emailing and communication in general; Bill has a knack for offering very clear and practical advice for people and companies trying to improve the effectiveness of their internal and external communication”
Steven Freund, General Manager, The Ritz-Carlton Lodge, Reynolds Plantation
Helps even veteran e-mail users, valuable for Information Age
Your E-book on Email pointers was outstanding. You provide solid, usable tips and practical steps that we can all use when working with email. Since you are helping people become “Champion Communicators” this E-Book is a great resource.
Any successful business person today must know how to deal with email. From keeping it short and pithy (on the sending side) to learning how to read the right stuff and eliminate the junk (on the receiving side) you do an excellent job with it, Bill. Even veteran email users can learn from this E-Book.
This book is a must-read work and must-implement tool for those of us in the Information Age. Thank you for packing so many useful ideas into it!
Terry L. Brock, Marketing Coach, Syndicated Columnist
NOTE: Watch Terry's one-minute video testimonial:
Emphasizes the courtesy that’s essential for business success
"It's unfortunate that ever-metastasizing email has now become the technology without manners. Respected business-types who hew faithfully to Emily Post's dictates at the dining table will think nothing of behaving like boors when it's time to sit down at the keyboard. Thankfully, Bill Lampton has packaged this nifty set of 55 email commandments to remind us that the accepted rules of civilized social intercourse translate with equal force to online correspondence."
Alf Nucifora, Nucifora Consulting Group
Gives you the “winner’s edge” when you e-mail someone
"When you are face-to-face with someone, you can instantly see if you've made a mistake, ask what's wrong, and make amends. Send a horrible e-mail, and you may never realize the harm you've done to your career or your company. By applying Bill Lampton's 55 Tips for Cyberspace Success, you'll have the winner's edge instead by avoiding mistakes when you e-mail."
Donald Mitchell, management consultant, author of The Ultimate Competitive Advantage and other leading business books.
Shows us how to make sure the message has the right “tone”
“This is a very comprehensive list. My biggest comment was addressed already which is read the email fully after writing and make sure the “tone” is what you intend. The worse thing about email is that sometimes tone is difficult to grasp. An email you meant to come across one way could come across different from what was intended.”
Jeff A. Lawson, MAI,SRA Carr, Lawson, Cantrell & Associates, Inc.
Everyone who reads the e-book will benefit
I found your e-book Excellent E-mailing to be a valuable collection of e-mail tips. Anyone who uses e-mail for personal or business correspondence would benefit from reading this e-book.
Joe Escobar, Editor in Chief, Aircraft Maintenance Technology
Now. . .time to place your order.
All of these highly respected professionals have let you know the value of “Excellent E-mailing.” Clearly, Bill Lampton’s power-packed e-book will help you cut down on the mistakes that have frustrated you and your colleagues, angered customers, and confused everybody.
Your investment
Your investment is so reasonable that you will want to order copies for many of your colleagues in the workplace.
Imagine. . .you’ll get this outstanding guidebook for
merely $12.97 per e-book!
NOTE: Because “Excellent E-mailing” is copyrighted material, purchasers will understand that it’s not legal to buy only one copy and then circulate it among staff and employees. Once again, the $12.97 per copy investment makes it possible for you to order multiple copies without depleting your training budget.
Priced at just $12.97 each!
The process is so easy. Have your MasterCard or Visa card handy,and go to Bill’s Web site shopping cart:
Then. . .as the e-book’s subtitle says. . .you will
enjoy “cyberspace success,” as never before.
Here’s that link again:
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