Travel Agency Head Uses Communication Skills to Serve His Community

When I served as Enrichment Lecturer for the Regatta, an Oceania Cruise Lines luxury ship, my audience included Fred and Carol Smith of Midlothian, Texas. Retired teachers, they operate a travel agency, Fred and Carol's Traveltime.
During our cruise, Fred said, "When you come to Dallas for presentations, let's get together." I took him seriously, because he and Carol attended all four of my lectures, and we shared the table for several meals. So when the Environmental Protection Agency hosted me for a seminar in Dallas, Fred picked me up at the airport, and we enjoyed dinner at a downtown restaurant, before I went to the hotel Fred had recommended for me.
While we talked that evening, I learned that the Midlothian Lions Club had selected Fred "Lion of the Year," because of his service to the Lions programs in a six county area. Besides assisting in the formation of new clubs, and speaking frequently, Fred and Carol (also a Lion) raised over $10,000 for the Lions Sight and Tissue Foundation, to supply free eye exams and glasses to children in the area.
Additionally, Fred and Carol received the Howard Snyder award, given only to individuals who have donated at least$10,000 to the foundation.
Clearly, Fred and Carol are more than just nice people I met on a Caribbean Cruise. They participate actively in civic and charitable causes.
You can be sure that I look forward to my next Dallas presentation, so Fred and I can dine together again. Maybe this time Carol, who was on a cruise while Fred and I enjoyed dinner, can join us. It's a privilege to know such caring people, who use their strong communication skills to serve others.
Next time I give a motivational speech, their example will be a grand one to include.
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