Monique Dearth--Energizer Bunny Entrepreneur

Everyone who has started his or her own business wants to get acquainted with others who have taken that leap into the unknown. We like to talk about the challenges, the excitement when growth happens, fresh ideas and directions, new strategies for the Internet, and much more.
Recently, I shared lunch and conversation with Atlanta-based Monique Dearth, founder of Incite Strategies, Inc, which she launched in 1999, following a sterling ten-year career in GE's HR division. By 2004, the Atlanta Business Chronicle listed her among the 50 young rising stars in the city.
In the brief span since she started Incite Strategies, Inc., Monique has given presentations across the U.S., in the U.K., Mexico, Thailand, China, Japan, India, Brazil, and Australia. Just this week, a major corporation hired her to give five keynote speeches at company locations.
Beyond that, she cares for her husband and two young children, and somehow creates time to volunteer in her church, professional organizations, school, and other causes.
When I kiddingly gave her the label "Energizer Bunny," Monique admitted that she had gone to a party as that character a couple of years ago. My reply: "You didn't even need a costume."
To read more about Monique's professional activities, visit her Web site:
To learn more about my company, visit my Web site: