Thursday, January 24, 2008

Become a Champion Communicator Through Online Coaching



Daniel Webster, one of America’s greatest statesmen and speakers, said:

“If I were to lose all of my possessions except one, I would save the power of communication, for by it I soon would regain all of the rest.”

Do you agree? Is "the power of communication" that powerful?

To answer. . .think for a minute of what you have dreamed of accomplishing professionally. Examples of your optimistic daydreams:

Your interviewing aptitude gets you that prestigious job you want, though you are one of 200 applicants, with only five candidates reaching the interview stage.

Your sales savvy helps you outsell the rest of the sales team for an entire year. You ask the best questions, give convincing answers, and support your message with appropriate nonverbal communication.

Your writing talent enables your proposal to win the biggest contract ever for your company.

Your forceful speaking takes you to prominent civic leadership posts in your community, resulting in publicity, friendships, and meeting new prospects. You speak with poise and persuasive ability.

Your keen listening keeps morale high among your employees. They trust you enough to share their problems and candid recommendations, without fear of reprisals.

Your negotiating ability allows you to resolve conflicts before they damage your organization severely.

Yes, the ability to communicate could very well be that one asset you’d want to keep, as Webster suggested, if you had to face a choice of which possession to hold tight to.

Now let me ask. . .since communication is the springboard for your success, what are you doing to keep on developing your communication skills?

Anything regular, disciplined, systematic, part of a structured plan, sure-to-happen?

Probably not. Most likely, your improvement is haphazard, do-it-when-you-can. Some months you make progress, but most other months you put your energy elsewhere.

Well, this is where I come in. I want to enrich your communication talent!

Not now and then, not just once a quarter—but averaging once every week. That's right--I'll e-mail you 52 or more valuable training messages annually.

How does that happen? Simple: You select me as your Online Communication Coach.

“Won’t work,” you’re thinking. “I live in Idaho” or “My office is in Toronto.” Or even: “Check with me, Bill, next time you’re going to be in London, and we’ll arrange a coaching session.” Or “Forget it—there’s little chance you’ll travel to Glasgow or Quito.”

So you decide, “Good as the idea sounds, the distance between us makes your coaching impractical.”

Yet who said anything about a coach having to be present with you? Remember, around 1996 this electronic marvel called the Internet appeared. With it, e-mail emerged. And we’ve become pretty accustomed to online learning.

In fact, through a variety of technologies—including Skype,the internationally popular online phone/video system—I can communicate personally with you wherever you are.

That’s why I am offering you a slot in my new online coaching program, which is titled:

Champion Communicators

Your big advantage: Even though we may never sit down together for a face-to-face coaching session, I will coach you through “distance learning.” Regardless of your location, you will enjoy the same potential results my in-person coaching clients receive.


Once you sign up for the coaching plan, I will e-mail you—on a consistent basis, spaced so you will have time to read, listen to,and apply my tips and strategies—information that hasn’t been released to my regular newsletter subscribers.

. Brief, information-packed instructional videos/audios
• Concise video interviews I conduct with top professionals
• Short reviews of the best books relating to communication
• My comments about major news-making communication events
• Answers to questions you e-mail me
• Links to Web sites that will strengthen your communication
• Descriptions of my own communication strategies that have worked well

To enter the Champion Communicators regular online coaching program, you will agree to a one-year plan. Through Visa, MasterCard, or American Express, you will commit $24.97 monthly for a year, for an annual total of a modest $299.64.

NOTE: $300 is a fairly standard rate for one hour of on-site coaching from a well qualified professional at my level .

Twelve months into Champion Communicators you will be eager to sign up for another year. Why?

Because you will:
• Speak more persuasively
• Control stage fright every time you speak
• Write more clearly
• Relate more effectively with those whose styles differ from yours
• Listen with greater empathy and build a stronger team
• Maintain maximum motivation, because of your acquired skills
• Improve your marketing
• Boost sales
• Reduce embarrassing e-mail mistakes
• Strengthen interpersonal relations, including family dynamics
• Deal with the media effectively

. . .and so much more.

To participate in this
• dynamic. . .
• information-centered. . .
• value-saturated. . .
coaching program, start by e-mailing me, titling your e-mail:


My e-mail address:

Then I will reply, asking you to send the credit card information required to enroll you. You may send that data by e-mail or fax, whichever you prefer.Or possibly you’d like to give me your credit card data over the phone. That’s fine. Call me at



Sign up for the Charter Membership Plan, and you will invest $24.97 monthly in my company,Championship Communication, through your credit card. Remember, you are committing for 12 months,with the option to renew in 2009. A special signup bonus awaits only those who enroll now,during 2008, as Charter Members. This bonus will not be offered next year.

What you’ll get:
Once you have provided your credit card information, I will e-mail you my recently produced e-book,“E-mailing Excellence: 55 Tips for Cyberspace Success”

Your “netiquette,” or e-mail etiquette, creates an image of you as a professional. So this bonus will help you build your reputation as a highly competent communicator.

In snappy, to-the-point language, “E-mailing Excellence” shows you how to avoid those pesky e-mail mistakes that shatter your credibility. You'll bolster your reputation among colleagues, prospects, and clients.

The e-book appears on my Web site for purchase now, but
you get this signup bonus on a complimentary basis.

The Advanced Membership Plan gives you the opportunity to make your full investment, $299.64,now, when you start the program. Again, this will be through your credit card.

Your Exclusive Bonus, not available to others in the online coaching plan: Anytime during 2008, you can schedule a one-time hour-long telephone call with me. We’ll discuss any communication issue you’re facing. Your only expenditure will be your charge for the call you place to me.

U.S. residents have the option to commit to the Advanced Membership Plan with a check to Championship Communication for the full amount.

Mail that check to:
Bill Lampton, Ph.D.
Championship Communication
P.O. Box 908267
Gainesville, GA 30501-0920

PLEASE NOTE: Those in the Advance Membership Plan will also receive the e-book that goes to those in the Charter Membership Plan.

Make 2008 the year you will become a Champion Communicator. Accept my invitation to join this twelve-month partnership that will elevate your communication expertise--dramatically.

You'll know the difference "the power of communication" makes, as Webster said. And everyone you interact with will notice the new skill plateau you reach.

Send me an e-mail titled CHAMPION COMMUNICATOR. Then I will e-mail you the registration form.

Once you make your investment, I’ll start sending you fresh, vital communication tips, strategies, and guidelines.

My e-mail address:

When she was an executive with Trust in Business in Munich,Germany, Amy Hart wrote:

"I believe people are given unique gifts in their life, and you Bill have the gift of teaching and sharing with others the magic that communication can bring to every aspect of individuals' lives."

Bill Lampton, Ph.D., President
Championship Communication
“Helping You Finish in First Place!”

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Bob Burg Tells Why He Wrote The Go-Giver


Shortly after reading Bob Burg's new book--The Go-Giver: A Little Story About a Powerful Business Idea, co-authored by John David Mann--I enjoyed the privilege of interviewing Bob. Many of you know Bob through his other books, such as the bestselling Endless Referrals and Winning Without Intimidation. Reading this interview will help you grasp the book's purpose.

Q: Why did you write The Go-Giver? Was there a special message you wanted to get across to ambitious people, one they weren't getting so compellingly elsewhere?

BURG: The purpose of the book was to shift a "consciousness premise" which says there is some kind of exclusivity between benefiting others and benefiting oneself. There isn't. And, the premise of this book is that shifting one's focus from getting to giving (meaning constantly and consistently adding value to people's lives) is not only a nice way to live life. . .but a very profitable way as well.

Q: You have established an enviable reputation in the nonfiction arena, so why did you select a fiction format this time around?

BURG: Thank you for your kind compliment. The reason we decided to make this a short "parable/fable" instead of the usual "how-to" is because it seemed as though his message was made to be communicated in the form of a really fun to read story. The cool part--I think--is the surprise ending. And I totally credit the great storytelling to John David Mann. He not only is a hugely successful entrepreneur but a genius as a writer. The fact that it's such a fun read means that people will be more likely to absorb the message and read the book a second and third time.

Q: In your work with many corporate leaders, do you find real life examples of the characters you portray in The Go-Giver?

BURG: All the time. And, it was such a great feeling when, as we were sending the unpublished manuscript out to some of the top authors and business leaders around for their feedback and critique, they continually commented with words such as, "Yes, this is how it's done" and "Thank you, Bob and John, for finally sharing what the successful people already know and others don't want to believe." It really served as a terrific form of validation. And, of course, John and I, in comparing our own experiences, have both witnessed these traits in the many successful people we've had the pleasure to know and work with.

Q. Do you expect The Go-Giver to have any impact on what business schools teach during the next decade?

BURG: Great question. Difficult to say. I believe that--to the degree this book is embraced, first by individuals and then small groups and organizations and then, hopefully, larger and larger organizations and business--this can cause a definite shift, first in understanding and then in action. Remember, though, the message in this book is not particularly new; the very successful people are already operating as Go-Givers; what we're looking to do is to bring this way of doing business to the masses. Will the business schools begin teaching this? I don't know; personally, I'd love to see it as required reading in business schools. Then again, I'd like to date Cindy Crawford and that hasn't happened yet.

Q: What would be the most desirable result you could achieve among readers of The Go-Giver?

BURG: Perhaps the most desirable for me in the short term is simply to know that it made a significant difference in someone's life. We're already hearing from people who say that immediately after reading it their attitude changed and that soon after, their success level began to change. I love that. I absolutely love that. Long term; hey, I've always been a big thinker, so doing my part to perhaps cause a shift in Universal Consciousness with regards to this aspect works for me.

To order the book, go to the Amazon page featuring The Go-Giver:

And for monthly tips that will "help you finish in first place" through powerful communication, subscribe to Bill Lampton's newsletter, Winning Words and Ways, by putting your name and e-mail address in the slots provided on the home page of his Web site:

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Solve Your E-mail Problems--Now!


You know the problems I’m referring to. . . .

--Joe from the sales department e-mails you and refers to his
“attached weekly report.” Oops. . .there’s no attachment.

--Elizabeth e-mails you, including a link to “an
important, relevant article you’ll want to read.” Alas, the
link is no longer active.

--Darlene sends you an e-mail she intended to send to
Audrey, her supervisor. Even worse, the e-mail talks
unfavorably about you.

--Art sends an e-mail that shares the latest joke he has picked
up on the Internet. You notice that he includes your e-mail
address in the TO section, along with those of twenty of his friends,
who now have your e-mail address without your consent.

Until now, you didn’t have a solution.

Sure, you told employees they were making e-mail mistakes. Yet you had nothing in writing to explain the problem, and to remind them what to do next time.

The result? The same problems mentioned above kept
happening. And others, too.

--Dorena sent Bill an e-mail, summarizing his performance appraisal the previous day. Bill became angrier than he was during the appraisal. Reprimands in writing carry far more impact than when issued face-to-face.

--Juan created an office stir by sending romantic messages to Consuela, two or three times daily. “I put in so much time here,” he reasoned, “that I can use the computer for my personal needs for just a few minutes. I still get my work done, just like always.”

Now, you do have a solution to these and dozens of other e-mail problems.

Really? That’s terrific. What is it? Where do I get it?

The answers:

What: Dr. Bill Lampton’s new e-book, “Excellent E-mailing: 55 Tips
for Cyberspace Success”

Where: Available as an e-book on Bill’s Web site shopping cart:

Well, I’d like to hear what other professional people say
about this e-book before I place my order.

That’s understandable. So let’s check on comments from experts.

Addresses and solves every major e-mail problem

I've looked over your e-mail tips and thought they were all really good! I can't think of anything you left out and you had many that I had never really considered, but made so much sense.
Anita Bruzzese, Syndicated Newspaper Columnist and author of 45 Things You Do That Drive Your Boss Crazy. . .And How to Avoid Them.

Advice is clear and practical

“A great compilation of common sense guidance on effective emailing and communication in general; Bill has a knack for offering very clear and practical advice for people and companies trying to improve the effectiveness of their internal and external communication”
Steven Freund, General Manager, The Ritz-Carlton Lodge, Reynolds Plantation

Helps even veteran e-mail users, valuable for Information Age
Your E-book on Email pointers was outstanding. You provide solid, usable tips and practical steps that we can all use when working with email. Since you are helping people become “Champion Communicators” this E-Book is a great resource.

Any successful business person today must know how to deal with email. From keeping it short and pithy (on the sending side) to learning how to read the right stuff and eliminate the junk (on the receiving side) you do an excellent job with it, Bill. Even veteran email users can learn from this E-Book.

This book is a must-read work and must-implement tool for those of us in the Information Age. Thank you for packing so many useful ideas into it!
Terry L. Brock, Marketing Coach, Syndicated Columnist

NOTE: Watch Terry's one-minute video testimonial:

Emphasizes the courtesy that’s essential for business success
"It's unfortunate that ever-metastasizing email has now become the technology without manners. Respected business-types who hew faithfully to Emily Post's dictates at the dining table will think nothing of behaving like boors when it's time to sit down at the keyboard. Thankfully, Bill Lampton has packaged this nifty set of 55 email commandments to remind us that the accepted rules of civilized social intercourse translate with equal force to online correspondence."
Alf Nucifora
, Nucifora Consulting Group
Gives you the “winner’s edge” when you e-mail someone
"When you are face-to-face with someone, you can instantly see if you've made a mistake, ask what's wrong, and make amends. Send a horrible e-mail, and you may never realize the harm you've done to your career or your company. By applying Bill Lampton's 55 Tips for Cyberspace Success, you'll have the winner's edge instead by avoiding mistakes when you e-mail."
Donald Mitchell, management consultant, author of The Ultimate Competitive Advantage and other leading business books.

Shows us how to make sure the message has the right “tone”
“This is a very comprehensive list. My biggest comment was addressed already which is read the email fully after writing and make sure the “tone” is what you intend. The worse thing about email is that sometimes tone is difficult to grasp. An email you meant to come across one way could come across different from what was intended.”
Jeff A. Lawson, MAI,SRA Carr, Lawson, Cantrell & Associates, Inc.

Everyone who reads the e-book will benefit
I found your e-book Excellent E-mailing to be a valuable collection of e-mail tips. Anyone who uses e-mail for personal or business correspondence would benefit from reading this e-book.
Joe Escobar, Editor in Chief, Aircraft Maintenance Technology

Now. . .time to place your order.

All of these highly respected professionals have let you know the value of “Excellent E-mailing.” Clearly, Bill Lampton’s power-packed e-book will help you cut down on the mistakes that have frustrated you and your colleagues, angered customers, and confused everybody.

Your investment
Your investment is so reasonable that you will want to order copies for many of your colleagues in the workplace.

Imagine. . .you’ll get this outstanding guidebook for
merely $12.97 per e-book!

NOTE: Because “Excellent E-mailing” is copyrighted material, purchasers will understand that it’s not legal to buy only one copy and then circulate it among staff and employees. Once again, the $12.97 per copy investment makes it possible for you to order multiple copies without depleting your training budget.

Priced at just $12.97 each!

The process is so easy. Have your MasterCard or Visa card handy,and go to Bill’s Web site shopping cart:

Then. . .as the e-book’s subtitle says. . .you will
enjoy “cyberspace success,” as never before.


Here’s that link again: